The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (2025)

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You don’t need a pompadour to use pomade.

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (1)Courtesy

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (2)

By Evan Malachosky




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Pomade is buried deep in the aesthetic canon of classic Americana, right next to straight razors and Clubman talcum powder. Near forgotten, this old-school staple is making a resurgence thanks to young barbers that value its unique combination of finish and hold. It marries the wet aesthetic of gel with the pliability of wax.

Traditional pomades are oil-based. Purists argue that styles will last longer with this class of product, but scalps be warned — oil-based pomades are notoriously harsh and take multiple washes to remove. The new trend in grooming (but also general hair wellness) is water-based pomades, which can be stripped with a single rinse and still offer a range of control. So whether you’re after a sleek side-part, or prefer it naturally matte with a touch of texture, these are the best pomades to try now.

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (3)Amazon

Best Overall Pomade

Forte Series Pomade

  • $23.00 at Amazon

The Forte Series pomade offers serious hold without the greasy, shiny look of most other pomades. Plus, it washes out super easily, meaning no crystalized strands or stuck-on gunk. The formula itself has added nutrients like biotin and vitamin b-5, which both promote general hair health.

Base: Water
Hold: Medium
Shine: Medium

Patricks’ ultra-strong M3 Pomade is the brand’s most serious styling product. It has a matte finish — meaning no shine — is water resistant and comes with an included, kind-of-designer aroma. It will feel tough at first, but it melts when you activate it in your hands.

Base: Oil
Hold: Strong
Shine: Low

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (5)Amazon

Best Affordable Pomade

Strong Hold Pomade

  • $15.00 at Amazon

Suavecito was started with the goal of providing a high-quality, no-nonsense pomade at an affordable price. This strong-hold pomade will tame the unruliest hair, but will wash easily at the end of the day. It’s made here in the United States and has superlative reviews across the board.

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: Medium

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (6)Highland

Highland Glacial Clay Pomade

  • $27.00 at

Highland’s non-sticky Glacial Clay Pomade can be used on any hairstyle, thanks to its low shine, medium hold and longterm malleability, which lets you adjust your hair even hours into the day.

The smell is nice, too, and it activates — rubs into your hands — rather easily, making this one of my newest go-tos.

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (7)Amazon

All-Purpose Hair Pomade

  • $24.00 at Amazon

Firsthand uses only all-natural ingredients in its hair products — that means stuff like aloe-vera juice, beeswax and shea butter. The texture at first will feel pretty different from your usual stuff, but that’s because it’s small-batch and free from all of the preservatives other iterations rely on.

Base: Water
Hold: Medium
Shine: Low

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (8)Amazon

Clay Pomade

  • $19.00 at Amazon

    $23.00(17% off)

Infused with beeswax and clay, this pomade is strong and pliable while retaining a matte finish. It’s a great product for disheveled, messy hair styles, though it can be used to achieve a variety of results. The award-winning paraben-free formula will give you an all-day hold that can be retooled as needed.

Base: Oil
Hold: Strong
Shine: Low

Plant oil, coarse clay and other natural ingredients form the foundation of Church California’s organic pomade. It has a matte finish, a refined aroma and a firm hold.

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (10)Amazon

Classic Pomade

  • $22.00 at Amazon

This pomade has an incredibly strong hold, but is smooth to apply. It is also water reactivatable, so if your mane needs adjusting throughout the day, just add a bit of water and restyle. Imperial pomades are made in America, and have were developed by a team of barbers with over three decades of experience in the industry.

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: Low

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (11)Amazon

101 Proof Classic Pomade

  • $19.00 at Amazon

    $20.00(6% off)

Is Blind Barber’s pomade strong? For sure. But it’s plenty malleable, meaning it doesn’t take much work to apply it. You’ll be able to sculpt your hair however you wear it with ease.

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: High

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (12)Amazon

Deluxe Pomade

  • $21.00 at Amazon

    $23.00(10% off)

Founded by two Australian barbers, Uppercut Deluxe makes hair grooming products inspired by one of their own grandfathers, Willy “Uppercut” O’Shea, an emigrant boxer known to dress above his pay grade. Among the several exceptional products in their line, the Deluxe Pomade is the all-around standout with a sweet vanilla aroma and firm hold that’s easy to wash out.

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: Medium

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (13)Amazon

Classic Pomade

  • $10.00 at Amazon

    $12.00(17% off)

This classic pomade works for a variety of hair types and delivers an exceptional amount of shine, and pliable hold. It’s a workhorse product that can create iconic slicked-back looks, or just add additional hold to whatever style you’re wearing. What’s more, it’s easy to find and is a staple product at supermarkets and drugstores.

Base: Water
Hold: Medium
Shine: High

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (14)Amazon

Superhold Pomade

  • $25.00 at Amazon

California brand Layrite created a versatile pomade that offers a firm hold with an easy removal process. Superhold works best for coarse or thick hair and has a medium shine that works for a range of hairstyles.

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: Medium

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (15)Maapilim

Strong Pomade

  • $25.00 at Maapilim

Maapilim’s caramel-colored pomade is rich but a bit sticky. That means it’s tough to apply but strong — and you really don’t need much. Plus, it smells pretty nice (like a designer musk).

Base: Water
Hold: Strong
Shine: Medium

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (16)Amazon

Cool Grease

  • $28.00 at Amazon

Having gained traction in the custom car culture of Japan, Cool Grease products can now be found in high-end barbershops across the world. With whiffs of tropical fruit, Fiber Grease adds shine and lasting malleability for a hold that doesn’t feel too heavy.

Base: Water
Hold: Medium
Shine: Medium

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (17)Amazon

Wave and Groom

  • $6.00 at Amazon

Dax Wave and Groom, the most orthodox pomade on this list, comes in the classic aluminum tin, costs close to nothing, and laps on strong and heavy for a lasting product that’ll keep your hair neat from morning ’til night (and probably the next one too). This wins out over Murray’s any day of the week.

Base: Oil
Hold: Strong
Shine: High

The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (18)Silk Panther

Premium Gloss Pomade

  • $20.00 at Silk Panther

Founded by barbers, Silk Panther makes a number of unisex styling products. The Premium Gloss Pomade is one of them. It has a firm hold and a glossy (hence the name) look to it. You’ll need to really work it in but the end result is worth it.

Base: Oil
Hold: Strong
Shine: High

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The Best Pomades for Every Hairstyle | Gear Patrol (2025)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Views: 5577

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.